
Data Collection Forms

Funded Administrative Position Description Form

No Child Left Behind

Consolidated Local Application Update - 2016-2017
For NCLB Title I, Parts A and D, Title II, Part A.

Please complete this form for each professional-level administrative or supervisory position included in the FS-10 for any of these federal Titles.


A. Title of proposed position:
Name of person for position:
Immediate supervisor:

B. (Please do not use , . $ %) Title I,
Part A
Title I,
Part D
Title II,
Part A
Other LEA
Percentage of time worked:
Salary earned:

C: Salary earned in the position is: Part of base salary or
Extra service pay per session (other LEA employment is full-time)

D. Position is for: 12 months or
10 months or
summer only

E. Building location for administrative responsibilities: LEAwide - All Eligible Title I Buildings
Specific buildings (list below)

F. Please provide a brief description (500 character limit) of the project duties and activities of this position,
clearly delineating the portion(s) funded under the NCLB Titles.


  • Please print a copy of the completed form before clicking on the "Submit" button.
  • If you accidentally submit the form before you are finished providing information, use your browser's "back" button to go back to the form. You can finish the form and then resubmit.

If you have any questions, please contact:

  • For LEAs outside of New York City and all charter school LEAs in the State - Title I School & Community Services office at CONAPPTA@nysed.gov.
  • For New York City LEAs - Office of School Improvement & Community Services (NYC) at (718) 722-2647.

Last Updated: May 6, 2015